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008 Likeonomics with Rohit Bhargava

It’s a new week, so welcome to a new episode of the Project Management for the Masses Podcast!

I recently devoured a book called “Likeonomics” an Amazon #1 best seller in “Global Marketing,”Motivation and Self-Help,” and in 6 other categories.  In this book, Rohit Bhargava convinced me through real stories and lots of research, that being a loveable fool is better than being a knowledgeable jerk.  I’m not saying we should be fools, but definitely it is worth to take a look at ourselves and ask the question: am I likeable?

Likeonomics: The Unexpected Truth Behind Earning Trust, Influencing Behavior, and Inspiring Action

Likeonomics is a book about why some people and companies are more believable than others and why likeability is the real secret to being more trusted, getting more customers, making more money – and perhaps even changing your life.

From the Book Jacket: Every day amazing products fail, qualified candidates don’t get hired and world changing ideas die. The fact is, having the best resume or the strongest feature list doesn’t always guarantee success. Welcome to the world of Likeonomics, where deals are made on golf courses, likeability often trumps competence and the most important skill anyone can learn is how to build deeper and more trusted personal relationships.

Click here to buy this awesome book.

Rohit Bhargava

From Rohit’s website: “Rohit Bhargava is a marketing expert dedicated to bringing more humanity back to business. He is the author of 4 best selling marketing books (including the award winning Likeonomics), CEO & Founder of the Influential Marketing Group and Professor of Global Marketing at Georgetown University.

“An early digital marketing pioneer, Rohit co-founded the world’s largest team of social media strategists at Ogilvy and spent more than a decade leading digital strategy for clients of two of the largest brand agencies in the world (Ogilvy and Leo Burnett).

“His previous client list includes Intel, American Express, Novartis, Pfizer, IBM, Unilever, Pepsi, Heineken, and dozens of others prior to starting his own “concierge marketing” practice to offer Digital CMO consulting for brands. His popular “Influential Marketing” blog has been read by more than 2 million professionals and was named one of top 25 marketing blogs in the world by AdAge magazine.

“On stage, Rohit has delivered “non-boring” keynotes in 27 countries and his highly visual presentations have been viewed and downloaded on Slideshare over 1 million times.”

Get PDUs by Listening to the PM for the Masses Podcast

If you have a certification by the Project Management Institute, did you know you can earn PDUs by listening to the PM for the Masses Podcast?

Listening to podcasts related to project management fall into the category “C” of PDUs.  On today’s episode I explain how you can earn PDUs by listening to my show.

Click the “play” button at the top of the post to listen to this episode.

The PM FlashBlog

I was recently approached by Shim Sharom from Australia about a very cool project: Shim approached dozens of PM bloggers and asked us all to write a blog post with the same title, to be released on the same day, at the same time.

The topic will be “What does project management mean to me – a Project Manager’s sermon.”  I will be posting a blog and also a podcast episode on the topic when the time comes.  So, stay tuned for this exciting FlashBlog.  I’m looking forward to it, and it will be a great opportunity for you to be exposed to a lot of other great bloggers out there.

For more information, check out Shim’s website and post.

Thanks Shim for organizing this cool project!

Your Turn!

So what did you think of this episode?  I’d love to know your thoughts.  Use the comment box below and let me know!

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