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Project Management for You Series: The Wrap Up

Hello everyone and welcome to episode 20 of the Project Management for You podcast series.

For the past 4 weeks I have published a podcast episode every weekday.

It has been a fantastic experience.  I learned a lot about Project Management.  I learned a lot about my guests.  I learned a lot about you.  And surprisingly, I also learned a lot about myself.

After the whirlwind of daily posts, I’m proud of what we were able to accomplish.

I’m also exhausted 🙂

The Podcast Series

By asking the same set of questions of my amazing guests, I was pleasantly surprised to see how similar and how diverse everyone’s take on Project Management was.

Producing a show every day was a lot of work, and I heard from some of you that I overwhelmed you with content.

There are no rules in podcasting, so I decided to give this format a try.  It was a great experience for me, and I hope it was worthwhile for you as well.

My guests were absolutely amazing.  I feel honoured to have been able to collect such a fine roster of excellent project management professionals to help me with this series.

Thank you to Andy Kaufman, Susanne Madsen, Carl Pritchard, Tony Adams, Elizabeth Harrin, Cornelius Fichtner, Adrana Girdler, Peter Taylor, Stephen Carver, Mark Phillipy, Francis Hooke, Johanna Rothman, Dave Gordon, Rich Maltzman, Geoff Crane, Michael Greer, Ron Rosenhead, and Margaret Meloni.

Your grace and generosity towards me and my audience is inspiring.  Thank you.

The Book

My interviews and conversations during this series were  really helpful to me as I research for my Project Management for You  book.

The podcast series helped solidify in my mind the idea that indeed there’s a need for a book like this.  I was happy to validate my hypothesis and I am moving forward with this book project with confidence.

I have received countless messages from listeners and friends telling me they can’t wait to read it – this is so encouraging.

As my Kickstarter campaign wraps up in the next few days I look forward to diving head-first into the book project.

I can’t wait!

The Kickstarter Campaign

The Kickstarter campaign still has 8 days to go as I post this update.  It is 108% funded.

It has been a tremendous success and I believe there are many reasons why I was able to get funded.  Here are some thoughts:

The campaign has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me.  As I prepared to launch it, I had days in which I was confident it was going to be successful, and other days I was convinced it would fail.  It certainly pushed me outside my comfort zone, and it’s a great place to be.

I learned that if you have a dream that involves helping others, people will support you.

Thank you so much for supporting this series and this campaign.  It really means the world to me.



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